by Helen | Jul 12, 2021 | Uncategorized
School is almost out for Summer if it isn’t already! We have a variety of events booked during the school holidays with spaces still available on all events. We kick it off with a visit to Severn Vale Equestrian Centre for a pony ride and experience. We have...
by Helen | Jun 23, 2021 | Uncategorized
The rain held off and the sun hid to provide us with ideal cycling conditions last Saturday morning. Some of us managed to get a little lost (the scenic route) but we were all greeted by the cycling centres friendly staff who helped select an appropriate bike for...
by Helen | Mar 1, 2021 | News, Uncategorized
Statement to Members in Lieu of AGM Postponed from 23 Jan 21. This statement is produced, agreed and published on the FCDC Webpage by the Trustees in lieu of the AGM that had been planned to take place via Zoom on 28 Jan 21. The aim of this statement is to give FCDC...
by Helen | Dec 12, 2020 | Uncategorized
Many events this year have been either cancelled or adapted to be in line with current covid-19 regulations and this applied to one of our most popular events, Avon Valley Railway Santa Special Steam Train. We were hopeful that given the reduced capacity that the...
by Helen | Aug 11, 2020 | News, Uncategorized
Thursday 6th August we went to Goblin Combe for a morning of woodland fun. It was a drizzly, overcast yet sticky morning when we arrived and were greated by Goblin Combe Adventures Alice, who was our lead for the morning. After sanitising our hands we all sat on an...
by Helen | Jul 16, 2020 | Uncategorized
We have planned 3 walks (so far) over the Summer break, all of which have facilities open and car parking. Wednesday 29th July Blaise Castle Estate (BS10 7QS) Tuesday 4th August Ashton Court Estate (BS41 9JN) Oldbury Court Estate (Vassals Park) (BS16 2JH Hope to see...