Meet our staff & trustees


Helen Davies (Centre Manager)

“I joined The Family Centre in January 2021, I’m passionate about supporting children, young people and their families living with deafness.  When I saw the job vacancy, I knew I had to apply. I really wanted to play a part in helping The Family Centre achieve its aims. I have three children; my youngest daughter Gwen has a bilateral severe sensorineural hearing loss. Gwen currently attends our local comprehensive school, is an outgoing young lady who enjoys being part of The Family Centre”

Megan Wall (Events & Family Officer)

“I recently joined FCDC as the events and family officer in November 2022. My first involvement with The Family Centre for Deaf children was 25 years ago, attending the charity’s events with my two older sisters who both have a hearing loss. This was important for my whole family as we became further involved with the deaf community and met other families who were in a similar situation. I am about to start training for my Level 6 BSL qualification, in hopes to become a qualified BSL interpreter. I have really enjoyed my role at FCDC so far, I look forward to continuing to support our families and organizing more fun, and accessible events in the upcoming future”

Marcella Wyatt (Support Staff)

“I am a single mum to Kaiya, 11, who is hearing. After 26 years working for Cardiac Surgery and later Neurosurgery Research Groups, following redundancy, I applied to work for FCDC after hearing about the wonderful work they do from my friend, a trustee.  I love to see the children flourish with confidence and resilience, doing activities that maybe they wouldn’t normally get to do. I have finished my BSL Level 2. Out of work, I am a busy mum. We both play rugby for a local team. I also coach the under 6 juniors and am a member of the committee for both the juniors and ladies sections”


Neil Curry (Chair/Treasurer)

“I was elected as a Trustee to the FCDC at the 2016 AGM on 20th Nov 2016. I live in Bradley Stoke and I am the grandfather of Savannah who will be 7 years old on Christmas Day this year. Savannah has had severe hearing impairment but could hear with the aid of her hearing aids but following re-assessment she was successfully transitioned to Bi-lateral Cochlea Implants which she received in May 2017. My wife, Janice and I, did not really know the impact of HI until it affected us as a family and naturally have been surprised and grateful for all the help that we as a family have received so far from the relevant support agencies. I can see that over the years Savannah will be receiving a lot of assistance and I feel that I would like to put back some support to show how thankful we are for that help. Hence me volunteering to be a Trustee for the FCDC. Since becoming a Trustee my role has expanded to also act as the Treasurer for the Centre”

Sarah Evans 

“I have been a trustee for the FCDC for three years. My interest mainly arose from having worked alongside the FCDC in my current role as Team Leader for the Hearing Team at the Sensory Support Service. I am a qualified Teacher of the Deaf and have taught deaf children in Bristol for 27 years in variety of setting – HIRBs, Elmfield School and now for the Service. I have always been involved with the Deaf community, my father was profoundly deaf as were all of his friends. The importance of this friendship group to our whole family could never be underestimated. I value the aims of FCDC to create these links for families and see first hand the impact it has in reducing isolation and creating a strong and supportive network.”

Sonia Brewer

“I moved to Bristol in 2012 and now have 2 children. My daughter Zahina was born hearing but contracted meningitis at 3 months old. Thankfully she survived but was left with life changing conditions – a brain injury, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, visual impairment and profound hearing loss in one ear. She has had tremendous support from many wonderful charities and we are so grateful to them all. I want to be a trustee of the Family Centre as I think it’s vitally important that deaf children have the opportunity to meet other deaf children to encourage a sense of belonging. We have attended many of the FCDC events, all of which my children loved, and I feel in the years to come it will provide a safe, welcoming, inclusive space for them and for us.”

Steve Thompson

“I am a parent of a profoundly deaf child, so keen to improve cohesion and communication with other members of the local d/Deaf community, promote Deaf awareness, and to provide d/Deaf children and their families with an environment to socialise. I am eager to support and ‘give back’ to an organisation that has previously supported and continues to support our family.”


We are all committed to providing a network and a space for deaf children and their families and would like to work with everyone to achieve this.