0117 9030366 / 07810 533269 admin@fcdc.org.uk

About us

The Family Centre (Deaf Children) is a registered charity (1196287)

We are a small local charity based in Bristol , we welcome all families who are living with a hearing loss from mild to profound. Some members use British Sign Language, and some do not. We provide a BSL Interpreter at all our activity sessions and workshops to ensure that we are accessible to all.

What we aim to achieve

  1. Improve family cohesion within the families of deaf children.
  2. Improve communication within families.
  3. To develop children’s deaf identity , self confidence and self esteem
  4. To reduce isolation, increase socialisation and strengthen links with the community of deaf children and their families.
  5. Improve deaf awareness within families and the community.

We provide a range of support services that include;

  1. Fun and educational activity programmes and events for families, children and young people.
  2. Advocacy support
  3. Play therapy
  4. Counselling 
  5. Teddy ear clinics
  6. Individual support
  7. Family sign courses
  8. Peer support groups

Our funders