Tantrums? Sleep problems? Difficulities socialising? Anxiety? Tearful? Oppositional? Does your child struggle to talk about their feelings? Are they withdrawn? Is your child unusally shy? So they lash out? Are they struggling to reach their academic potential? Play Therapy may help!
Kasia Lee-McMahon offers play therapy on an individual, sibling or group basis for hearing and deaf children. She also offers parental consultations to help with strategies for moving forward as a family.
Play Therapy is suitable for children and young people of all ages.
To find out more about Play Therapy and how Kaisa could help, please email:
About Kasia
“Hi, my name is Kasia Lee-McMahon. I’m a play therapist and Creative Clinical Supervisor. I’ve been working with children with additional needs for 19 years, here in the UK and in Vietnam. I am a level 4 (now called level 6) BSL user and I work out of Elmfield School for Deaf Children and as a play therapist in private practise. I look forward to working with the Family Centre supporting children and families across Bristol.”
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