0117 9030366 / 07810 533269 admin@fcdc.org.uk


Keep up to date with the latest news from the FCDC and other local groups.
Grandparents and Families Sign Language Courses

Grandparents and Families Sign Language Courses

We are current running another 8 week sign language course for friends and families, running through to December. Please let us know whether you would be interested in any other signing classes. We are currently working with other organisations in order to provide...

Monthly Coffee Morning / Kids Workshops

Monthly Coffee Morning / Kids Workshops

On the second Saturday morning of each month we run a children's workshop, held at Elmfield Primary School from 10am-12pm. To date, we have had an Access Sports Taster Morning and a visit from Eco Animal Encounters. There are always craft activities for younger...

The 100 Club

The 100 Club

The 100 Club draw closed in December last year when the departure of our permanent staff (Debbie and Lin) was announced. Most participants cancelled their direct debits to the FCDC account, but some are still paying. Could those involved please examine their bank...

Our funders