Thank you – DLG Auto Services
We were delighted to receive a cheque from DLG Auto Services in Longwell Green. Staff raised funds over a period of time and chose us as their charity. We thank you all.
Half term BMX taster session
During February half term, a group of FCDC young members headed to Lawrence Weston BMX track and met with Lucy and Matt from Access Sport for a BMX taster session. After being fitted with helmets, protective gloves and appropriate sized BMX's, a safety briefing was...
Upcoming Families BSL course
We are running a Families BSL Course for adults who wish to learn and practice BS. It will take place at the Langley Arms in Downend commencing on Monday 25th March from 6:30 pm until 8pm each Monday evening. This will be an 8 session course aiming to improve BSL...
Coffee morning family social with Eco Animals
Our first Coffee morning family social of 2019 was held with special guests from Eco Animal Encounters. The hall was full children (and adults) eagerly waiting to see what animals were going to appear. First was an African bull frog. He was huge and very cute....
Santa steam train
Mid December we hopped aboard the Santa special steam train at Avon Valley Railway in Bitton, for a festive trip. The weather was not nice, but that didn’t dampen our spirits as we were welcomed by two donkeys dressed in festive hats. It was a lovely festive,...
BSL choir at Southmead Hospital
Weeks of practice and preparation culminated in a bsl signed performance at Southmead Hospital for the Hospital charity. We donned our Santa hats and joined forces once again with Almondsbury ladies' choir, our musical genius Caitlin and wonderful interpreter Gill. We...
Halloween Party
October 27th, we held our Halloween party. Fun and games were had by everyone who attended the event and every child looked fantastic dressed up as zombies, skeletons and the like. Some of the parents also joined in and dressed up! We had games such as pumpkin hockey,...
Do you know we work with a Person-Centred Counsellor?
My Cochlear Implant
One of our young members recently wrote a speech for the Rotary Youth Speaks competition. Here are his words about his experience of being deaf and having a cochlear implant. "A cochlear implant is life changing and can help deaf people of any age. You can have a...
Does your child use the Sensory Support Service?
A big 're-design' has begun for children and young people living in Bristol, South Glos, BaNES and N Somerset. Please fill in this survey to ensure that the support which you have found useful does not get cut, and to suggest any improvements. Thank you! (Sensory...
Our funders