What does your service do?
We bring together families living with deafness (with a deaf parent or a deaf child) at social activities, plus we provide information and signposting.
Where is it located and what area does it cover?
Our office is located within Elmfield School for Deaf Children in Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol. However we don’t hold all our activities here – we use hired venues around the area. We use different venues, to make it easier for families from different areas to get to us. Check out the activity listings for details.
Who does your service provide for?
At family activities we welcome any family that has a deaf child or that has a deaf parent. The whole family is welcome, and we are very flexible on our definition of family – so if you have a neighbour or close family friend involved in your child’s life they are also welcome.
How can I start using the service?
Just complete our registration process and tell us which events you would like to come to. See our membership page for details of how to register.
How are decisions made about who can use your service?
As long as you have a deaf child or parent in your family you can use our service. Some activities are limited by age range, or have other criteria but these will be clearly shown on the activity details.
How do you communicate with service users and how are they involved in decision making/planning?
We send out a newsletter with information about our events, plus other local and national news and there is lots of information on our website.
We have a Facebook group just for families where you can find out more about our activities and get useful information, or contact other families.
We sent out text alerts or information by post to families without email.
We encourage families to become Family Members – this means that they can help us make decisions about the charity at our AGM by being a voting member. We also have Family Trustee who give us a family perspective as we make decisions about the direction of the charity.
We have an open feedback area on our website so that families can send anonymous feedback at any time.
We run an annual user survey for our families to get their views and opinions about our current services and what they would like in the future.
From time to time we run User Forums giving families the chance to give their input and ask us questions.
We encourage feedback at all times and we record and respond to all comments. Feedback can be given in person (at events or give us a call) or sent by email or text, or given anonymously through our website (see above).
Is your service fully accessible?
We try to use venues that are fully accessible, but on occasion some activities may have some restrictions. We will make this clear when we promote the activity and do everything we can to overcome this.
What training are the staff supporting children and young people with SEND had or having?
All our staff have training on Safeguarding Children at a level appropriate to their role.
Delivery staff all have a BSL qualification and experience of working with children. They undergo a full induction and a continuing development programme.
Preparing for Adulthood
We have a range of activities that help develop confidence, communication, self-esteem and a deaf identity. This includes activity sessions such as football, dance, rugby, Mojo Active, skating and workshops such as photography, film making and creative sessions. We also have sessions to develop life skills and health and well being – previous sessions have included Sexual Health and Relationships, Resilience Lab, Healthy Minds and a First Aid qualification.
Who can I contact for further information?
Contact us in the office.
Give us a call on 0117 330 7575 / 07895511263 or email admin@fcdc.org.uk
If you want to come in and see us in the office you are very welcome, but as we aren’t always there then please check first. We only have part-time staff and we are based in a school our opening times are limited.
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