We have a wide range of events running throughout the year, with something for everyone. If you have any questions about our events please contact us.
The Easter Bunny invites you & your family to our annual Easter extravaganza! Join us for a tasty wholesome breakfast followed by a testing Easter egg hunt, a visit from the Easter Bunny, craft activities, games, light refreshments and much more!
Booking Information
This event is for local children and families living with hearing loss only.
Because this free event is funded by a grant from Bristol’s Holiday Activities and Food Programme, you will need to provide the following information to book a child or young person (anyone aged 17 years or under) on this event:
Please note: we have a new booking system. With this new system, you can only book one ticket per child at a time. For example, if you want to book two children on an event, you will need to book one ticket for each child. A maximum of two adults can be booked on an event at a time. To book your tickets for this event , click on the link below and you will be directed to our event booking page on Eventbrite.
It is essential that all of our events and activities are enjoyable, welcoming and inclusive to all and we rely on all of our families who attend to ensure this is the case. For all our family events parents will be expected to be responsible for their children at all times to ensure we have a respectful, safe and inclusive environment. If there are any concerns or anyone does not feel this is the case please approach either staff or trustees who will always be available at all events.
If it is your first time attending an event or you don’t know anyone else attending, please let the organisers know and they will link you with another parent as part of our buddy system.
If you are available to work at an event, please email Helen at helen@fcdc.org.uk, stating the event you are interested in.